Friday, September 5, 2008

Our First Update!

I wanted to send an update to all our closest family and friends to give you a little update on what is happening around the Hebron family. After we had a fantastic trip visiting Max's family back in Virginia, I decided that I was going to set a goal to create a blog spot to post updates and pictures of our family. We have some great pictures of our trip to Virginia and have set a goal to start taking more pictures of the kids.

Well.. as life happens, when we got back to Virginia (literally... like 5 days after) Laura got a lateral promotion at work and is now working in management at eBay. The only thing that really means is that I get to work harder for the same pay. But, I have to say that it's definitely worth every 10 hour day that I get to work as it is allowing me to apply what I am learning in college to my work.

Nathaniel started going to first grade in the beginning of August and loves it! He has been off track for 3 weeks now and will be going back to school on Monday. He has just been busy playing video games with dad and having fun with his friends.

Christopher started football and that is what our family has been doing lately. Work, football, eat, sleep, and repeat. Check out the Bantam Copper Hills Boys! blog for some awesome pictures of him! I'll update more as I have time. I have to go run now and do errands on my day off! How fun!


Doug & Amy said...

YAY!! A blog! I am so excited!!

Salty said...

Hey, this is alright! By the way, it's spelled "sacks", not sac's" isn't it? From your picky dad. Keep 'em coming.....